
José Ruiz Varela, with academic training in Fundamental Mathematics and professional experience in Large Multinationals in the Information Technology sector, having held positions in high-level management positions, maintains that it is time to reduce Unproductive Public Expenditure and help the Private Sector in everything that is possible.
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Agenda Macro

Calendario económico en tiempo real proporcionado por Investing.com España.

S&P lowers Greece ratings outlook to negative

Standard & Poor's said Tuesday it was lowering its outlook on Greece to negative from stable on the possibility that it may fail to secure further bailout funds from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund
S&P has CCC/C long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign ratings on Greece
"We see the likelihood of shortfalls, lowing to election-related delays in the implementation of budgetary consolidation measures for the current year, as well as the worsening trajectory of the Greek economy," S&P said in a statement.

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