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Fed's Dudley: Some big banks lack respect for law

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)
There is evidence of deep-seated cultural and ethical failures at many large U.S. banks, said William Dudley, the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank
In remarks at the New York University School of Law, Dudley said many large financial institutions display an "apparent lack of respect for law, regulation, and the public trust."
He called for a "cultural shift" at the big banks to restore public trust in the industry
The New York Fed president said that government efforts to end the too-big-to-fail culture and shift bank focus to longer-term sustainability may help foster the needed change
He said tough enforcement and high penalties may help focus management's attention to the issue

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Fed’s Dudley blasts big banks for ethical lapses
Says some banks lack respect for law and public trust

geniopolis.net dijo...

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Hay evidencia de fallas culturales y éticas profundamente arraigadas en muchos grandes bancos de Estados Unidos, un alto funcionario de la Reserva Federal dijo el jueves.
William Dudley, el Presidente del Banco Reserva Federal de Nueva York, dijo que muchas instituciones financieras grandes Mostrar una "evidente falta de respeto a la ley, la regulación y la confianza pública".

geniopolis.net dijo...

En un discurso en la New York University School of Law, Dudley pidió un "cambio cultural" en los grandes bancos para restaurar la confianza pública en la industria.
El Presidente de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York, dijo que confiaba en los esfuerzos del gobierno para poner fin a la cultura demasiado grandes para quebrar y cambio Banco foco a la sostenibilidad a largo plazo sería fomentar el cambio necesario.
Mientras tanto, la aplicación dura y altas penas sin duda ayudaría a atención de la gerencia de atención a la cuestión, dijo.
Lenguaje duro de Dudley es notable, como el Presidente de la Fed de Nueva York ha sido históricamente una voz para Wall Street y el sector financiero en los debates de la política de Washington.
El jueves anterior, Bloomberg informó que el Secretario del tesoro Jacob Lew ha advertido a los bancos que la prohibición de regla Volcker final de las operaciones serían más fuerte de Wall Street espera.
Tomados en conjunto, discurso de Dudley y advertencia de Lew muestran un aparente endurecimiento de actitudes regulador hacia los grandes bancos.
Dudley dijo que era difícil juzgar de dónde provienen los lapsos éticos. Dijo que podría ser debido al tamaño y complejidad o malos incentivos.
"Es un problema crítico que debe ser abordado", dijo Dudley.
En su discurso, Dudley dijo que el gobierno federal debe completar el trabajo sobre un programa creíble para permitir que las grandes empresas financieras a fallar sin dañar el sistema financiero.
Agregó que los sistemas de alerta temprana debe poner en marcha para reducir el riesgo de fracaso en el primer lugar.
"La intervención temprana es probable que sea mucho más éxito en prevenir el fracaso en comparación con el último esfuerzo", dijo Dudley.
El Presidente de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York, dijo que no es compatible con medidas más drásticas que fragmentar los bancos o restablecer la Ley Glass-Steagall que separaban a los bancos comerciales de las actividades de banca de inversión.

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By Greg Robb WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - It will be a continuing challenge for federal regulators to make financial crises "far less likely" and "far less costly" if they happen, said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday. In remarks prepared for a panel discussion about the 2008 financial crisis at the International Monetary Fund, Bernanke said every financial crisis has common elements. "The challenge for policymakers is to identify and isolate the common factors of crises, thereby allowing us to prevent crises when possible and to respond effectively when not," he said. He compared the 2008 crisis with the 1907 financial panic that led to the creation of the Fed. He said both crises had a trigger that spread uncertainty, fire sales when investors panicked, followed by liquidity provision from the private or public sector followed by the slow restoration of confidence. "The economic consequences [of the 2008 crisis] are still with us," Bernanke said. Both crises were able to fester unseen in poorly regulated "shadow banking" sectors of the U.S. financial system, he noted.

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WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Federal Reserve could reduce the pace of its bond-buying program in December, said Dennis Lockhart, the president of the Atlanta Fed, on Tuesday. A tapering "could very well take place" in December, Lockhart said in an interview on Bloomberg Radio. Lockhart didn't seem to particularly emphasize a move in December, instead stressing a tapering should be on the table at all upcoming meetings. "I don't think the circumstances rule out a consideration in December," he said. The January meeting "could turn out to be more complicated" because of fiscal policy concerns, but he said he did not rule out a move at that time. Lockhart said the October job data was "encouraging," but not "decisive" evidence of a sustainable improvement in the labor market, which is the goal of the bond-buying program.

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