By Christopher Emsden
Consumer confidence in Italy fell during December as the gradual recovery in the euro zone's third-largest economy has yet to have an impact on households
Italy's consumer confidence index slipped to 96.2 in December from 98.2 in November, national statistics institute Istat said
The drop was led by a deterioration of Italians' assessment of their personal situation and the current economic climate, while views of the overall economy improved somewhat, according to Istat.
The inclination to purchase durable goods dropped to its lowest level since the summer
The consumer confidence index in December was the lowest since June of this year and at the same level as in November 2011, when the euro-zone debt crisis led to the collapse of the government and the creation of an emergency technocrat administration that introduced sharp austerity measures
Italy's economy stopped contracting in the third quarter after a two-year recession, and the government's fiscal projections are based on forecast growth of 1.0% next year and even faster rates in the following years
Most forecasts predict a slower recovery, and even the government assumes that domestic demand will continue to contract in 2014
Consumer confidence in Italy fell during December as the gradual recovery in the euro zone's third-largest economy has yet to have an impact on households
Italy's consumer confidence index slipped to 96.2 in December from 98.2 in November, national statistics institute Istat said
The drop was led by a deterioration of Italians' assessment of their personal situation and the current economic climate, while views of the overall economy improved somewhat, according to Istat.
The inclination to purchase durable goods dropped to its lowest level since the summer
The consumer confidence index in December was the lowest since June of this year and at the same level as in November 2011, when the euro-zone debt crisis led to the collapse of the government and the creation of an emergency technocrat administration that introduced sharp austerity measures
Italy's economy stopped contracting in the third quarter after a two-year recession, and the government's fiscal projections are based on forecast growth of 1.0% next year and even faster rates in the following years
Most forecasts predict a slower recovery, and even the government assumes that domestic demand will continue to contract in 2014
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Gasto de consumo Frances (MoM) 1.4% 0.4% -0.1%
Revisión de -0.2%
PIB Frances (QoQ)
-0.1% -0.1% -0.1%
PARIS--producción económica francesa contrajo 0,1% en el tercer trimestre desde los tres meses anteriores como consumo crecimiento desacelerado y las exportaciones y cayó de inversión, datos finales por la oficina nacional de estadísticas de Francia Insee confirmó el martes.
Los economistas consultados por The Wall Street Journal habían esperado en promedio 0,1% de crecimiento de la estimación inicial.
Ministro de Finanzas francés Pierre Moscovici, dijo al tiempo que la economía de Francia todavía reuniría previsiones del gobierno y un leve crecimiento récord para el conjunto del año 2013, a pesar de lo que él llamó una contracción de sorpresa en el tercer trimestre.
Crecimiento gasto del consumidor francés--el principal motor de la economía, se redujo a 0.1% en el tercer trimestre de 0,4% en el segundo trimestre, como el poder adquisitivo de los hogares disminuida debido a impuestos más altos y el lento hacia abajo de la renta aumenta, Insee, dijo.
Las exportaciones cayeron 1,3% durante el mismo período y comercio neto tuvo un 0,6 puntos porcentuales arrastre sobre PIB global.
EUR Índices de Gestión de Compras Minoristas
47.7 48.0
GBP Caída de Vivienda (QoQ) -10.4B -7.2B -12.5B Revisión de -15.4B
EUR Subasta de Bono Italiano BTP a 10 Años 4.11% 4.01%
Contacción en Zona Euro
•Bélgica registra un récord de quiebras de empresas en 2013
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