
Billie, with academic training in Fundamental Mathematics and professional experience in Large Multinationals in the Information Technology sector, having held positions in high-level management positions, maintains that it is time to reduce Unproductive Public Expenditure and help the Private Sector in everything that is possible.
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Agenda Macro

Calendario económico en tiempo real proporcionado por Investing.com España.

U.S. retail sales rise 0.2% in December

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)
Sales at U.S. retailers rose 0.2% in December, as Americans stocked up on food and drinks for the holidays, bought more clothes and boosted purchases online, according to government data issued
The increase would have been 0.7% excluding the large auto sector, whose sales tapered off in December after hitting a post-recession high in the prior month
Retail sales account for about one-third of consumer spending, the main engine of economic growth
Economists polled by MarketWatch had forecast sales to fall 0.1% overall but rise 0.4% excluding autos
The sales increase for November, meanwhile, was lowered to 0.4% from 0.7%, the Commerce Department said Tuesday
And the increase for October was trimmed one-tenth to 0.5%
The downward revisions in sales are likely to spur some economists to cut growth forecasts for the fourth quarter
In 2013, retail sales rose by 4.2%, the smallest annual gain since the recession ended                   

2 comentarios:

El Genio dijo...

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The Federal Reserve on Tuesday has launched a formal review of activity at the largest U.S. banks in the market for physical commodities. Although U.S. laws generally prohibit banks from owning commercial firms, banks have used a patchwork of waivers and loopholes to engage in a variety of commodity businesses, such as owning oil pipelines and tankers, electricity power plants and metals warehouses. Pressure for the review started this summer after the New York Times reported on potential market manipulation by aluminum warehouses owned by Goldman Sachs . The Fed said it will review the scope of bank activities and asked for comment on whether it would be appropriate to impose limitations or conditions on these activities. Technically, the Fed released an "advance notice of proposed rulemaking," often the first step toward new rules. Comments are due by March 15.

geniopolis.net dijo...

Dec. industrial production climbs 0.3%