
Billie, with academic training in Fundamental Mathematics and professional experience in Large Multinationals in the Information Technology sector, having held positions in high-level management positions, maintains that it is time to reduce Unproductive Public Expenditure and help the Private Sector in everything that is possible.
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Agenda Macro

Calendario económico en tiempo real proporcionado por Investing.com España.

S&P cuts Russia's outlook on geopolitical risk

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services lowered Russia's credit rating outlook to negative from stable and reaffirmed the country's 'BBB' foreign currency rating
"In our view, heightened geopolitical risk and the prospect of U.S. and EU economic sanctions following Russia's incorporation of Crimea could reduce the flow of potential investment, trigger rising capital outflows, and further weaken Russia's already deteriorating economic performance," said S&P in a statement
S&P also expects the U.S. and the European Union to introduce more sanctions against Russia in the future

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