
The mathematician of the Complutense University of Madrid, José-Vidal Ruiz Varela, argues that Europe must raise its borrowing limit, leaving its deflationary policy.
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Agenda Macro

Calendario económico en tiempo real proporcionado por Investing.com España.

Eurozone May Consumer Confidence Drops Sharply

(RTTNews) - The consumer confidence index for the euro area stood at minus 17.5 in May, down from minus 15 in the previous month, a flash estimate from the European Commission showed on Thursday. The latest reading was the lowest since October last year. Economists expected a reading of minus 16.
Meanwhile, the consumer confidence index for the whole of the European Union, decreased to minus 14.7 in May from minus 12.3 in the previous month.
"The sovereign debt problems in the Eurozone have not left consumer confidence unscathed," ING Bank NV economist Martin van Vliet said. "We suspect that the fall in overall consumer sentiment was led by declines in the Southern periphery, where consumers have been confronted with draconian fiscal tightening measures."
The sharp decline in May consumer confidence may well put further downward pressure on the euro, as it pushes the much-needed recovery in consumer spending further into the future, the economist said.
As more and more governments announce tax hikes and spending cuts, sentiment might well fall further, Jennifer McKeown at Capital Economics said. With wages still responding negatively to earlier increases in unemployment, the economist sees little hope of the consumer revival that would be needed to generate a meaningful economic recovery.
The final data for the consumer confidence survey is due on May 31.

1 comentario:

Palasaca dijo...

La confianza de los consumidores de la eurozona registra una "fuerte caída"
La confianza de los consumidores de la eurozona está registrando una "fuerte caída" durante el mes de mayo y también disminuye en el conjunto de la UE, según el indicador adelantado publicado este jueves por la Comisión Europea.
En concreto, el indicador de confianza de los consumidores de la eurozona bajó 2,5 puntos en abril (desde -15 puntos en abril hasta -17,5 puntos), mientras que en el conjunto de la UE descendió 2,4 puntos (-14,7 puntos comparado con -12,3 puntos en abril).
El nuevo indicador se elabora combinando datos históricos con información de aquellos Estados miembros que ya tienen datos disponibles. El dato definitivo correspondiente a mayo desglosado por países se publicará el próximo día 31.
El indicador de confianza de los consumidores se suma así a los indicadores de sentimiento económico y de confianza empresarial que publica mensualmente el Ejecutivo comunitario.