
Billie, with academic training in Fundamental Mathematics and professional experience in Large Multinationals in the Information Technology sector, having held positions in high-level management positions, maintains that it is time to reduce Unproductive Public Expenditure and help the Private Sector in everything that is possible.
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Alcoa reports profit more than doubles, backs outlook for global aluminum demand

Alcoa Inc. on Monday reported an improved second-quarter profit, but shares of the biggest U.S. aluminum producer pulled back from closing levels late as the results came up shy of Wall Street targets.
Alcoa posted a profit of $322 million, or 28 cents a share, up from $136 million, or 13 cents a share, in the year-earlier period.
Excluding charges, income from continuing operations came in at 32 cents a share.
Revenue rose to $6.59 billion from $5.19 billion in the year-ago quarter.
Last year’s results reversed a big loss in the same quarter of 2009, which was slammed by a reeling economy that sapped demand for aluminum and forced Alcoa to cut output and slash jobs.
Analysts polled by FactSet Research, who typically exclude one-time items, were looking for Alcoa to report earnings of 33 cents a share, on average.
Sales were expected to reach $6.28 billion.
“Although the economic recovery is uneven, the overall outlook for Alcoa — and for aluminum — remains positive,” Chairman and Chief Executive Klaus Kleinfeld said in a statement.
“Demand for aluminum continues to rise and so does growth in our major markets,” he continued. “These factors support our projection that aluminum demand will grow 12% this year and will double by 2020.”
Alcoa shares closed down 2.9% at $15.91 before holding steady late.
The stock, which is part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, has managed to eke out a 3.4% gain so far this year.
Alcoa is typically seen as a barometer of economic health in the U.S. and also as the unofficial start of the earnings season.
A few of the heavyweights following up with their results later this week include Google, Inc. , Citigroup Inc.  and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Overall, analysts are looking for earnings from S&P 500 companies to rise 12.7% this quarter compared with a year earlier.
That’s down from a 19% rise in the first quarter and also lower than where the target stood two weeks ago at a growth rate of 14.2%.

2 comentarios:

El Genio dijo...

El fabricante de aluminio Alcoa anunció anoche que anotó un beneficio neto de 630 millones de dólares (55 centavos por acción) en la primera mitad de su ejercicio fiscal 2011, comparado con los 65 millones que perdió en el mismo periodo del año anterior (6 centavos por título). Esta mejora de resultados se debió en parte al encarecimiento del aluminio, así como al aumento de la facturación de Alcoa, que alcanzó entre enero y junio los 12.543 millones de dólares, frente a los 10.074 millones del mismo periodo del año anterior. Por lo que se refiere al segundo trimestre del año -al que más atención prestaban hoy los analistas- el productor de aluminio estadounidense anotó un beneficio neto de 322 millones de dólares (28 centavos por acción), más del doble que los 136 millones (13 centavos por título) que obtuvo el mismo periodo del año anterior.

El Genio dijo...

La empresa de equipos de redes Cisco Systems Inc podría eliminar hasta 10.000 puestos de trabajo, o un 14 por ciento de su plantilla, para aumentar sus ganancias, dijo un reporte de la agencia Bloomberg, que citó a dos fuentes con conocimiento del asunto. Hasta unos 7.000 empleos se eliminarían para fines de agosto, dijeron las fuentes a la agencia. Además, Cisco ofrecería retiros anticipados a unos 3.000 trabajadores.