
The mathematician of the Complutense University of Madrid, José-Vidal Ruiz Varela, argues that Europe must raise its borrowing limit, leaving its deflationary policy.
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Sony to cut global workforce by 10,000: Nikkei

HONG KONG (MarketWatch)
Sony Corp is planning to cut its worldwide workforce by about 10,000, or by 6%, with the layoffs coming by the end of the year, according to a report in the Nikkei newspaper on Monday
Seven senior managers, including Chairman Howard Stringer, are expected to give up their bonuses for fiscal 2011, the Nikkei said
Sony reported a net loss for the recent fiscal year ended in March, dragged in part by a poor performance at its LCD television unit, with the earnings result marking its fourth straight loss-making year
Sony's shares, which fell 3% earlier in the day, rebounded as much as 1.5% following the report.

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Sony emite un profit warning

Sony ha señalado que registrará unas pérdidas netas para el año que termina el 31 de marzo de 520.000 millones de yenes (unos 4.320 millones de euros), más del doble de lo previsto en febrero como consecuencia de gastos fiscales adicionales.La compañía de electrónica de consumo afirmó, sin embargo, que planea volver a una ganancia operativa este año financiero, pronosticando un beneficio de 180.000 millones de yenes frente a las pérdidas estimadas de 95.000 millones de yenes para el año que termina. Los títulos de Sony se dejaron un 3,53% en Tokio.