Crude-oil futures on Wednesday ended at their
lowest since at least early October, hit by a surprise increase in inventories
and as U.S. Federal Reserve kept interest rates the same and extended its
Operation Twist as expected
Oil for July delivery
retreated $2.23, or 2.7%, to settle at $81.80 a barrel on the
New York Mercantile Exchange, leading losses among benchmark energy futures
Billie, with academic training in Fundamental Mathematics and professional experience in Large Multinationals in the Information Technology sector, having held positions in high-level management positions, maintains that it is time to reduce Unproductive Public Expenditure and help the Private Sector in everything that is possible.
Cortesía de
Agenda Macro
Calendario económico en tiempo real proporcionado por España.
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Brent baja un 3,20 % y cierra en 92,69 dólares
El precio del barril de Brent bajó hoy un 3,20 % al cierre del mercado de futuros de Londres, hasta 92,69 dólares, tras conocerse un aumento de las reservas de crudo en Estados Unidos, lo que indicaría una ralentización de la economía y un posible descenso de la demanda. El crudo del mar del Norte, de referencia en Europa, para entrega en agosto concluyó la sesión en el Intercontinental Exchange Futures (ICE) con un retroceso de 3,07 dólares respecto a la sesión anterior.
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